vineri, 30 august 2013

Hai sa uitam de toate, nu mai privi in spate, ca vezi tu zilele trec si cine are dreptate? Da’ ce conteaza, de fapt, in realitate? Cand avem atatea vise desenate.
Eu vreau bere, tu vrei suc. Tu vrei film, eu vreau sa dorm. Ok, da drumu la film. Eu vreau seminte, tu vrei popcorn. Si ma intrebi de ce imi e somn, cand ma chinui cu filme romantice? Chiar vreau sa dorm.
Tu vrei plimbari, poze la rasarit. Da’ astea-s pacate in lumea mea, si eu m-am spovedit. O cina romantica, m-ai nimerit. Da’ sa-mi aminteasca cineva cand m-am casatorit.
Eu fac haos, tu curat, zi de zi. Langa mine e cosmar, da’ fara mine cum ar fi? Stii, gluma asta poate pare expirata, da' vocea ta ramane piesa mea preferata…Stiu ca nu poti sa rezisti, nici o zi fara mine. Vrei sau nu vrei sa recunosti, langa mine ti-e bine.

Si ne intelegem de minune, ne plimbam pe faleza. Ca in telenovele, ok, acum chiar imi iau viteza, Si scuza-ma ca intervin sa fac o paranteza, da' tu chiar nu vezi ca eu vorbesc rusa, tu chineza? Si cum se face ca stam ca pe ace, nu stim face pace si parca ne place. Nimeni nu ma intoarce, de maine ma schimb, da’ te rog sa-mi zici cum vrei sa te mint: serios sau zambind, la telefon sau pe facebook. 

Pentru mine,pentru noi,care noi???
Aaaaa….noi doi…..
Taca taca,iar imi spargi timpanele si la cat ma porti prin mintea ta, ma dor picioarele. Si daca ne certam, facem cumva si ne impacam. In 5 minute ne trece, unul fara celalalt, nu putem sa stam. Si daca ne certam, in 5 minute ne impacam. Facem cumva si ne trece,vara asta langa tine nu e rece.

See it's burning me to hold onto this, I know this is something I gotta do but that don't mean I want to. What I'm trying to say is that I-love-you. I just... I feel like this is coming to an end and it's better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt you. I gotta let it burn.
It's gonna burn for me to say this but it's coming from my heart, it's been a long time coming but we done been fell apart. I really wanna' work this out, I don't think ya gonna change ya. I do, but you don't think it's best we go our separate ways. Tell me why I should stay in this relationship? When I'm hurting baby, I ain't happy, baby. Plus, there's so many other things I gotta deal with. I think that you should let it burn.
When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to but you know that you gotta let it go cause the party ain't jumpin' like it used to, even though this might bruise you, gotta let it burn.
Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you hate the thought of him being with someone else but you know that it's over, you know that it was through.
Sendin' pages I ain't supposed to. Got somebody here but I want you. 'Cause the feeling ain't the same find myself callin' him your name.
Tell me, do you understand? Now all my fellas, do you feel my pain? It's the way I feel, I know I made a mistake but now it's too late. " I know she ain't coming back". What I gotta do now, to get my shorty back?
Man I don't know what I'm gonna do without my boo. You've been gone for too long, I'mma be burnin' till you return.

I'm twisted cause one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on, on the other side I wanna break down and cry.

So many days, so many hours.

marți, 27 august 2013

luni, 26 august 2013 pt prima oara am primit un "deja te intorci?" in loc de "in sfarsit, imi era dor de tine!"

marți, 20 august 2013

A girl who can come over to my house, and just chill with no make up on, hair tied up and just in any clothes, her appearance doesn't matter as we're so comfortable around each other. We would sit in bed, with her in my arms, watching horrors, so it gives me an easy opportunity to get her close to my heart beat, and so she knows she is safe in my arms and I can protect her. Staying in making cakes and stuff, making a huge mess out of things, throwing flour and getting so messy. To get clean we would either bath it off together, so I can wash her off and have a little water fight with her, I find that so cute. Walking down the streets, and we both just get our hands together. If she ever had scars from cutting, every night before bed I would kiss each and every scar so she knows I love her for her, and not for her mistakes. I would give her little gifts which are unexpected. Date nights and things, and just so I can treat her, I would get a job to get some extra money to support our relationship. Having conversations about the future that wouldn't be an uncomfortable topic, it would be great and easy to talk about, because she will be the girl taking my last name. Buy her a locket with me and her in it, so she always has me with her. Giving her my hoodie so when she misses me or is cold, she can always wear it. Just looking at her lips, then kissing. Having play fights what turn into kissing fights. She would be so comfortable around my family, and everyone would love her nearly as much as I would. We would be a perfect couple, and people would always compliment us about how we suit. We would just be in love, and no matter what anyone tells us, we would truly be unbreakable and I would protect her through anything.

*Nu stiu de ce dar plang incontinuu de cand mi-a dat Ana chestia asta pe care a gasit-o..*

duminică, 18 august 2013

As vrea pur si simplu sa nu mai doara, sa se opreasca lacrimile, as vrea intelegere. As vrea un "e ok" din cand in cand.
Didn't know I was lost.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

-Oscar Wilde