vineri, 15 iulie 2011

liar liar.

Can't see you anymore. You're an inch out the door. Didn't know, no... I didn't know what I do know now.
And with the words we then trade... You respond and let them fade. And I just won't let you bring me down.
You can see what I know and I know that somewhere there's a "sorry".
Oh tell me why these roads keep leading...
Leading you right back to me...?

Liar liar.

So break away your touch
The bliss you miss so much
But I won't tell you to come back home because emotions disapate; with love designed to hate
So just keep on driving away from here, I don't reach as it falls in your hands
Was it big enough the storm?
Tell me why these roads keep leading...
Leading you right back

Liar liar

I don't need to know you'll be there
You're not on my mind
I don't need to know you care
Please don't waste my time

Liar liar
don't cry on my shoulder
You played with fire and smiled when you told her
Liar liar
don't cry on my shoulder
You played with fire and smiled when you told her
Woah oh oh oh oh
thought you were someone
Woah oh oh oh oh
goodbye to no one

4 comentarii:

  1. Telepatia. Bai si eu am gasit melodia asta si cand am intrat pe blog asta voiam sa pun la noua postare, si cand am vazut ca ai pus'o tu am zis "lasa". Deci asta e doar o concidenta sau mi se pare mie, ca nu.?

    Ohh oricum bestiala melodia.!!
    O iubesc pe fata asta, si vocea ei suna mai bine live decat inregistrata;)

  2. pai stiu ca de nustiu cand va zapacesc cu christina grimmie dar nimeni nu ma asculta:)). habarnam dar e superbaa:<3

  3. uite ca eu sunt poate sunt singura care te asculta *!

    Iti las tie locul asta, dar tu da deocamdata o raita pe blogu' meu si zi'mi daca'ti place ce vezi :))!

  4. si cata dreptate ai...

    mama zici ca ne batem=)) I WAN!!:)). si da e supeeerb:X ideea e f tare!


"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

-Oscar Wilde