sâmbătă, 1 iunie 2013

E prima vara in care nu stiu ce imi doresc.

E varaaa!!! Nu pot sa cred ca a trebuit sa mi se aminteasca de chestia asta, si eu nici macar nu mi-am dat seama. Anul trecut am scris de 1 iunie replica aia "sunt curios cum o sa fie vara viitoare". A trecut si aia, acum totul e dat peste cap. Nu mai stiu cine sunt vara asta si nici ce vreau. Nici nu stiu cand a trecut asa repede timpul de vara trecuta.
Vara trecuta stiam ca orice as face voi fi bine, vara asta nu stiu dar sper sa fie totul ok. Nu stiu daca sa ma astept la ceva sau sa-mi doresc ceva, poate doar fun.

I wanna smash you're fears and get drunk and love your tears. Don't you share your smile with anyone else but me. I wanna touch your heart, I wanna crush it in my hands, make it bleed and cry as you give up all the lies. When our love is like more than friends, put a flame to every single word you ever said. No more crying to get me through. I'll be with somebody new. Man it feels so new to me...should be in your arms..you won 't love me back, it's no you and I.

si evident, din nou una dintre melodiile mele preferate <3

I remember every sunset, I remember every word you said. I remember when we first kissed, how I didn't want to live your lips and how I never ever felt so high.


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"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

-Oscar Wilde