mc Alexxa!!! toate laudele pt ca a gasit melodia asta [nici akm nu inteleg cum naiba le gaseste:d] pe care o mai canta si Katy de care vam mai zis candva ff de mult ca imi place la nebunie:x plus ca e bruneta cu ochi albastri si cand nu are tot machiaju ala pe ea arata super-bine:X deci nu mai repet ca am trecut la un alt stil [asa-numita mea "pauza"] si melodia asta o iubeesscc:x din prima cum am ascultato. inafara de faptul ca lyricsul e superb imi aminteste si de "my first kiss" a lu' Ke$ha de care eram super-obsedata in vara; adica e asa mai obraznica si cu diverse modificari la voce care merg perfect si caremi plac ff mult!:X
mai ales faptul ca vbeste de un baiat cu totul neobisnuit, neobisnuit pt ea, diferit. ca si la melodia "Alien" de la Simple Plan parca...unde spunea acelasi lucru, doar ca despre o fata. si cum am mai zis imi place ca melodia e mai obraznica; rawr . =)))))) [a trebuit sa o spun]:)))))
genialaa<3<3 ily.
ps: once more mc Abby, Alexxa, Jessie:x
pps: It's called: "Chef de viataaa<3".
joi, 31 martie 2011
Plain White T's.
I'm sittin' here all by myself just tryin' to think of something to do. Tryin' to think of something, anything
just to keep me from thinking of you.
But you know it's not working out 'cause you're all that's on my mind. One thought of you is all it takes
to leave the rest of the world behind.
Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I... did.
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you... did.
I'm sittin' here tryin' to convince myself that you're not the one for me. But the more I think, the less I believe it
and the more I want you here with me.
You know the holidays are coming up, I don't want to spend them alone.
I know it's not the smartest thing to do we just can't seem to get it right. But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight.
I'm sittin' here tryin' to entertain myself with this old guitar. But with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far.
I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you. Oh please, baby won't you take my hand
we've got nothing left to prove...
And I didn't mean to meet you then, we were just kids.
And I didn't mean to give you chills, the way that I kiss.
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I... did.
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you... did.
Don't say you didn't love me back 'cause you know you did...
No, you didn't mean to love me back
But you did.
superba melodie. cred ca e cea mai perfecta melodie pe care am ascultato in viata mea. chitara e asa de ahh:<3. si e singura melodie la care nu am modificat nici macar un cuvant din lyrycs. nici nu as avea cum...spune totul prea perfect.
just to keep me from thinking of you.
But you know it's not working out 'cause you're all that's on my mind. One thought of you is all it takes
to leave the rest of the world behind.
Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I... did.
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you... did.
I'm sittin' here tryin' to convince myself that you're not the one for me. But the more I think, the less I believe it
and the more I want you here with me.
You know the holidays are coming up, I don't want to spend them alone.
I know it's not the smartest thing to do we just can't seem to get it right. But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight.
I'm sittin' here tryin' to entertain myself with this old guitar. But with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far.
I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you. Oh please, baby won't you take my hand
we've got nothing left to prove...
And I didn't mean to meet you then, we were just kids.
And I didn't mean to give you chills, the way that I kiss.
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I... did.
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you... did.
Don't say you didn't love me back 'cause you know you did...
No, you didn't mean to love me back
But you did.
superba melodie. cred ca e cea mai perfecta melodie pe care am ascultato in viata mea. chitara e asa de ahh:<3. si e singura melodie la care nu am modificat nici macar un cuvant din lyrycs. nici nu as avea cum...spune totul prea perfect.
luni, 28 martie 2011
I don't wanna be a murderer.
nici nu stiu cum sa exprim, nimic. am sa pun doar melodia asta care spune tot. si daca as putea spune asta, as faceo. dar sincer nu mai am nevoie de o chestie in plus in viata mea. mai ales nu de acest gen. and I'm sorry. [clipul este..mai mult decat perfect.].
ps: I don't wanna do this anymore! I don't want to be the reason "why". And everytime I walk out the door, I see him dyin' a little more inside. And I don't wanna hurt him anymore, I don't wanna take away his life.. I don't wanna be a murderer!
ps: I don't wanna do this anymore! I don't want to be the reason "why". And everytime I walk out the door, I see him dyin' a little more inside. And I don't wanna hurt him anymore, I don't wanna take away his life.. I don't wanna be a murderer!
What's happening????!!!!!!!!!!! help!! stupid, fucking, damn music:))
lumee....ajutoorr!!! sigur se intampla cva. adica pe bune, am ajuns sa ascult de vreo 2 sapt un cu totul alt stil de muzica [don't you dare to laugh!]. pe bune... insa am facut si cateva descoperiri.
adevaru' e ca, cred ca am vrut pur si simplu sa ma descotorosesc [mrg suna urat] de rock [my lovee<3]. si pur si simplu sa ascult altceva, care sa ma aduca la viata si sa fie..diferit. but still, versurile sa insemne cva. si dupa ce am avut o perioada cu celine dion si mai stiu eu ce destul de sad, am ajuns la melodii pop-dance [wow] dar nu dance dance. ci ceva care sami placa mie. oricum, am ascultat ceva total diferit fata de lucrurile de pana acum. aveam nevoie de o schimbare de peisaj si oarecum schimbarea stilului de muzica ma ajutat in privinta asta sa ma mai despart putin, putin de trecut desi nu e o perioada tocmai O.K.... baaa asta nu inseamna ca renunt la rock! no chance ppl! but just o nevoie de asta. pur si simplu sa ascult melodii fara sens dar speciale. si sincer nu neapp fara sens. mrg.:D
so.... am descoperit ca rihanna e geniala! efectiv. iubesc melodiile ei. ok, imi placea dinainte but not like that xD. atat mel noi cat si cele vechi. pur si simplu o iubesc:X:X apoi, am o obsesie cu mel lu lady gaga:x care mia iesit la un test. si dupa lol am ramas cu freaky like me si enrique plus jessie j. care orikm e super-geniala:x si am ascultat melodii pe care le ascultam cand eram mai...mica:)) pt ca am ascultat mult Utv si aklo baga mel d'alea.:d mai vechi mai nou [antiteza:))].
so...uitati melodiile un alt stil:)) care mau obsedaaaatttt de 2 sapt incoace [stiu ca nu e mult but still.].
Madcon- freaky like me
Rihanna- what's my name
Rihanna- only girl
Enrique- tonight.
Ke$ha- we r who we r [my fav sapt trecuta deci va roogg:))]
Nelly- just a dream
Rihanna- unfaitful
Jessie J.- Price tag [my fav -EFECTIV genialaaa]
Lady Gaga- Born this way [nici nu am cuvinte].
-akm ma simt libera sa fredonez <<love is for free>> chiar daca ia trecut vremea:))
si ca tot mam bagat pe melodii o sa va pun clipul doar la cele care miau placut deosebit de mult. [si pe care le frcventez sapt asta pt ca sapt trecuta aveam altele preferate:))].
C-A-T-E-G-O-R-I-C "Jessie J.- Price Tag." --mult prea tare [super-funny clipu'.].
Lady Gaga- Born this way. Melodia asta o stiu de mult, mia iesit la un test. nu credeam ca va deveni asa mediatizata si din mom ce e si Lady bla bla care mie nu preami place... Dar nu! melodia asta merita aplauze! nici numi dau seama cum a reusit sa creeze o melodie atat de..geniala. nici nu am cuvinte!
si uitati si clip si lyrics separat pt ca simt nevoia sa le pun in mod special, pe ambele.
si akm!!! best. mia placut la nebunie melodia asta. mai ales vocea tipului.
so.... sa vedem pana unde naaiba va duce asta:]]
adevaru' e ca, cred ca am vrut pur si simplu sa ma descotorosesc [mrg suna urat] de rock [my lovee<3]. si pur si simplu sa ascult altceva, care sa ma aduca la viata si sa fie..diferit. but still, versurile sa insemne cva. si dupa ce am avut o perioada cu celine dion si mai stiu eu ce destul de sad, am ajuns la melodii pop-dance [wow] dar nu dance dance. ci ceva care sami placa mie. oricum, am ascultat ceva total diferit fata de lucrurile de pana acum. aveam nevoie de o schimbare de peisaj si oarecum schimbarea stilului de muzica ma ajutat in privinta asta sa ma mai despart putin, putin de trecut desi nu e o perioada tocmai O.K.... baaa asta nu inseamna ca renunt la rock! no chance ppl! but just o nevoie de asta. pur si simplu sa ascult melodii fara sens dar speciale. si sincer nu neapp fara sens. mrg.:D
so.... am descoperit ca rihanna e geniala! efectiv. iubesc melodiile ei. ok, imi placea dinainte but not like that xD. atat mel noi cat si cele vechi. pur si simplu o iubesc:X:X apoi, am o obsesie cu mel lu lady gaga:x care mia iesit la un test. si dupa lol am ramas cu freaky like me si enrique plus jessie j. care orikm e super-geniala:x si am ascultat melodii pe care le ascultam cand eram mai...mica:)) pt ca am ascultat mult Utv si aklo baga mel d'alea.:d mai vechi mai nou [antiteza:))].
so...uitati melodiile un alt stil:)) care mau obsedaaaatttt de 2 sapt incoace [stiu ca nu e mult but still.].
Madcon- freaky like me
Rihanna- what's my name
Rihanna- only girl
Enrique- tonight.
Ke$ha- we r who we r [my fav sapt trecuta deci va roogg:))]
Nelly- just a dream
Rihanna- unfaitful
Jessie J.- Price tag [my fav -EFECTIV genialaaa]
Lady Gaga- Born this way [nici nu am cuvinte].
-akm ma simt libera sa fredonez <<love is for free>> chiar daca ia trecut vremea:))
si ca tot mam bagat pe melodii o sa va pun clipul doar la cele care miau placut deosebit de mult. [si pe care le frcventez sapt asta pt ca sapt trecuta aveam altele preferate:))].
C-A-T-E-G-O-R-I-C "Jessie J.- Price Tag." --mult prea tare [super-funny clipu'.].
Lady Gaga- Born this way. Melodia asta o stiu de mult, mia iesit la un test. nu credeam ca va deveni asa mediatizata si din mom ce e si Lady bla bla care mie nu preami place... Dar nu! melodia asta merita aplauze! nici numi dau seama cum a reusit sa creeze o melodie atat de..geniala. nici nu am cuvinte!
si uitati si clip si lyrics separat pt ca simt nevoia sa le pun in mod special, pe ambele.
si akm!!! best. mia placut la nebunie melodia asta. mai ales vocea tipului.
so.... sa vedem pana unde naaiba va duce asta:]]
Just win myself.
When we first met, I never felt something so strong. You were like my lover and my best friend all wrapped into one. With a ribbon on it and all of a sudden.
When you left, I didn't know how to follow. It's like a... shot. that spun me around. And now, my heart left. I feel so empty and... hollow.
And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you. Don't even recognize the ways you hit me.
Do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back. And you're the one to blame!
And now I feel like....oh!
You're the reason why I'm thinking I don't wanna smoke all these cigarettes no more. I guess that this is what I get for wishful thinking, should've never let you into my door. Next time you wanna go on and leave, I should just let you go on and do it. It's not usual like how I'll leave. It's like I checked into rehab. Baby you're my decease.
Damn, ain't it crazy ? Your love slams? My heart is not a basketball game and the feelings are not the players.
You'll do anything for the one you love, I know. 'Cause anytime that you'll need me, I'll be there.
It's like you were my favorite drug; the only problem is that you was using me in a different way that I was using you. But now that I know that it's not meant to be, you gotta go!
I gotta win myself over you!
(: [but I won't make it.]
When you left, I didn't know how to follow. It's like a... shot. that spun me around. And now, my heart left. I feel so empty and... hollow.
And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you. Don't even recognize the ways you hit me.
Do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back. And you're the one to blame!
And now I feel like....oh!
You're the reason why I'm thinking I don't wanna smoke all these cigarettes no more. I guess that this is what I get for wishful thinking, should've never let you into my door. Next time you wanna go on and leave, I should just let you go on and do it. It's not usual like how I'll leave. It's like I checked into rehab. Baby you're my decease.
Damn, ain't it crazy ? Your love slams? My heart is not a basketball game and the feelings are not the players.
You'll do anything for the one you love, I know. 'Cause anytime that you'll need me, I'll be there.
It's like you were my favorite drug; the only problem is that you was using me in a different way that I was using you. But now that I know that it's not meant to be, you gotta go!
I gotta win myself over you!
(: [but I won't make it.]
miercuri, 23 martie 2011
Tonight we're goin' har har ha ha ha hard!
se baga careva?:))
nu pe bune akm. chiar vreau sami lasati un comm cu raspunsul vostru:) snt chiar curioasa ce melodie ati alege sau daca macar incercati.
So I travel back, down that road.
I was thinkin' about him, thinkin' about me. I was just thinkin' about us, what we gonna be?...
Open my eyes... it was only just a dream.
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
I was at the top and it was like I’m at the basement. Number one spot and now he found him a replacement. I swear now, I can't take it knowing somebody's got him...
And now you ain't around, I can't think. Shoulda put it down. Cuz I can still feel it in the air. See his pretty face, run my fingers through his hair.
-My lover, my life. My shorty. he left me, I'm tied. Cuz I knew that it just ain't right.
I was thinkin' about him, thinkin' about me. I was just thinkin' about us, what we gonna be?...
Open my eyes... it was only just a dream.
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
When I am ridin' I swear, I see his face at every turn. Tryin' to get my usher over, I can let it burn. And I just hope he notice his the only one I yearn for. And maybe for long time it'll be.
Oh! I miss much. When will I learn? It's hard to say "miss u".
Didn't give him MY TRUE FEELINGS, I guess now I got my payback.
Hey, he was way to easy to love. But wait, I guess that love wasn't enough if he didn't knew how I feel.
I'm goin through it every time that I'm alone. And now i'm missin, wishin' he'd pick up the phone. I don't even have the courage to call him. But she made a decision that she wanted to move on [maybe].. Cuz' I was wrong.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything.
I said, if you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything.
andy: "sincer chiar ma gandesc cu toate sentimentele cam am toate chestiile. dar...cum sti atunci cand iubesti?"
{iam spus asta lu' sis' and..stiu ca multi isi pun intrebarea asta si ma gandesc ca eu la varsta asta nu stiu ce inseamna iubirea si poate o sa ma mai gandesc multi ani asa..dar akm ma gandesc "daca faptul ca ma gandesc ca eu nu stiu ce inseamna iubirea ma impiedica sami dau seama daca iubesc" si altkv.. ok, e ciudat dar voi nu stiti ce simt eu si probabil nici nu veti sti. si ma mai gandesc si ca "te iubesc" nu vreau sa ajunga un cuvant greu pt mine de spus [adica incep akm si peste cativa ani ma trezesc cami vine greu pt ca eu nu cred sau cacat (limbajj:)))]. chiar daca e un cuvant mare...}

And I still think about him, think about me. Think about us, what we gonna be?... Open my eyes... it's was only just a dream. [or.]
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
-una dintre putinele mel. de acest gen de care nu ma pot desparti. nu stiu dc am inceput sa mai ascult si rap si dance putin doar ca anumite melodii. melodiile ca aceasta merita ascultata si chiar daca eu am modificat aproape total lyricsul [pt ca ma facut sa simt cva anume...] melodia e superba. adica videoclipul absolut genial, ideea, mesajul, marea, sentimentele. nici nam cuvinte. chiar imi vine sa plang pe ea. si pt ca am zis, am inceput sa ascult melodii de acest gen ma scoate si din anonimat dar tot ma intristeaza. but I JUST FUCKING LOVE IT:X:x merita aplauze sincer:d:DxD
[ps: alexxaaaa in clip apare Bonnye din VD xD. perfect:x:X of....].
Open my eyes... it was only just a dream.
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
I was at the top and it was like I’m at the basement. Number one spot and now he found him a replacement. I swear now, I can't take it knowing somebody's got him...
And now you ain't around, I can't think. Shoulda put it down. Cuz I can still feel it in the air. See his pretty face, run my fingers through his hair.
-My lover, my life. My shorty. he left me, I'm tied. Cuz I knew that it just ain't right.
I was thinkin' about him, thinkin' about me. I was just thinkin' about us, what we gonna be?...
Open my eyes... it was only just a dream.
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
When I am ridin' I swear, I see his face at every turn. Tryin' to get my usher over, I can let it burn. And I just hope he notice his the only one I yearn for. And maybe for long time it'll be.
Oh! I miss much. When will I learn? It's hard to say "miss u".

Hey, he was way to easy to love. But wait, I guess that love wasn't enough if he didn't knew how I feel.
I'm goin through it every time that I'm alone. And now i'm missin, wishin' he'd pick up the phone. I don't even have the courage to call him. But she made a decision that she wanted to move on [maybe].. Cuz' I was wrong.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything.
I said, if you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything.
andy: "sincer chiar ma gandesc cu toate sentimentele cam am toate chestiile. dar...cum sti atunci cand iubesti?"
{iam spus asta lu' sis' and..stiu ca multi isi pun intrebarea asta si ma gandesc ca eu la varsta asta nu stiu ce inseamna iubirea si poate o sa ma mai gandesc multi ani asa..dar akm ma gandesc "daca faptul ca ma gandesc ca eu nu stiu ce inseamna iubirea ma impiedica sami dau seama daca iubesc" si altkv.. ok, e ciudat dar voi nu stiti ce simt eu si probabil nici nu veti sti. si ma mai gandesc si ca "te iubesc" nu vreau sa ajunga un cuvant greu pt mine de spus [adica incep akm si peste cativa ani ma trezesc cami vine greu pt ca eu nu cred sau cacat (limbajj:)))]. chiar daca e un cuvant mare...}

And I still think about him, think about me. Think about us, what we gonna be?... Open my eyes... it's was only just a dream. [or.]
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
-una dintre putinele mel. de acest gen de care nu ma pot desparti. nu stiu dc am inceput sa mai ascult si rap si dance putin doar ca anumite melodii. melodiile ca aceasta merita ascultata si chiar daca eu am modificat aproape total lyricsul [pt ca ma facut sa simt cva anume...] melodia e superba. adica videoclipul absolut genial, ideea, mesajul, marea, sentimentele. nici nam cuvinte. chiar imi vine sa plang pe ea. si pt ca am zis, am inceput sa ascult melodii de acest gen ma scoate si din anonimat dar tot ma intristeaza. but I JUST FUCKING LOVE IT:X:x merita aplauze sincer:d:DxD
[ps: alexxaaaa in clip apare Bonnye din VD xD. perfect:x:X of....].
luni, 21 martie 2011
Mi-a placut la nebunie ceea ce am citit akm cateva minute. Ma facut ca, timp de cateva minute, pur si simplu sa stau sa ma gandesc la asta [chiar daca deobicei o fac].
Mult prea genial.

This has gotta be the good life
This could really be a good life..
Mult prea genial.
What is the meaning of life? Whatever you want it to be. For me, life is freedom because you can do whatever you want, you can be whatever you want, if only you know how to make the right decisions.We often say that we don`t like this life, this world, why? Because some people ruin our day, because some things don`t go very well today, because the weather outside makes us even more indisposed, because our parents find any reason to yell at us, even if is the smallest thing ever. Yeah, is true, but we can change this things, we could not let anyone ruin our days, we could ignore all that shits that happen to us, we could smile to weather outside and simply enjoy it, as appears to us and we could tell our parents that we can fix things without screaming at each other.We have solutions for everything, we must want to change something in our lives and we must have no fear. Life it`s all about taking chances, about doing something you said you couldn`t do, it`s about being goofy,it`s about not caring what other people think, it`s about learning everything, how to live, how to love what you have.And don`t forget, when you're happy like a fool, let it take you over, when everything is out, you gotta take it in..<3

This has gotta be the good life
This could really be a good life..
duminică, 20 martie 2011
Bad decissions, that's alright. Welcome to my silly life.
Nici nu stiu dc vreau sa scriu postu asta. clar, asta a fost cel mai ciudat weekend din viata mea si cel mai tare tot odata. cum poti combina bine si rau si sa iasa cva te oboseste. de unde si starea mea de akm si tare mie ca am racit iar. am o stare de melancolie si in loc sa fiu fericita [pt ca am toate motivele], azi am stat si mam uitat intrun punct fix. si akm imi pare rau de unele lucruri... dar de la ovreme imi vine in minte ca 'din greseli inveti' desi bine ar fi uneori sa nu fi ezitat. si ajung si la faza cu "Better to know and regret than to not know and regret." poate vi se pare ciudata dar ma gandesc ca...poate e mai buna. si daca pana la urma cand eu cred ca e vina altora, defapt e vina mea.? poate ca eu uneori am alte asteptari sau vad unele pers din alta perspectiva. chiar daca e corecta, uneori te face sa regreti.
doamne si cate lucruri as spune. si mie frica ca as putea regreta. si as face atatea si desi pare ca mie numi pasa de reguli, tocmai ele ma opresc si ma fac sa regret. de aceea le incalc doar pe cele inofensive.
"Life is hard"... as vrea sa mai treaca o vreme pana sa ajung iar la asta dar deffinetly "Life is weird."

[makes no sense for you.]
doamne si cate lucruri as spune. si mie frica ca as putea regreta. si as face atatea si desi pare ca mie numi pasa de reguli, tocmai ele ma opresc si ma fac sa regret. de aceea le incalc doar pe cele inofensive.

[makes no sense for you.]
Hey, I'm a teenager.
But when I take a step back and look at things clearly, I realize how much I truly appreciate life, with every imperfection.
I know that I'm still young, I know I have a lot to dream.
vineri, 18 martie 2011
marți, 15 martie 2011
Just a one night only chemistry.
Maybe it's the chemistry, the sparks that fly from you to me. I touched your skin, I feel alive and since then I've been searching for you every night.
Where am I supposed to go? I'm hoping that you won't say "no". 'Cause we've got all the time in the world.
It must be the chemistry, tonight... I just hope that you know that I won't let you go this time.
It shure was chemistry, between you and I. I hope that you know that I won't let you go next time.
Underneath the starry sky, you could bring me back to life.And when I touch your skin, I feel alive. Been searching for you every night since then...
@ if I could tell you something, I'd tell you:

"Take me somewhere I don't know,
Watch all the people down below,
We've got all the time in the world."
Please, turn it all again...
Where am I supposed to go? I'm hoping that you won't say "no". 'Cause we've got all the time in the world.
It must be the chemistry, tonight... I just hope that you know that I won't let you go this time.
It shure was chemistry, between you and I. I hope that you know that I won't let you go next time.
Underneath the starry sky, you could bring me back to life.And when I touch your skin, I feel alive. Been searching for you every night since then...
@ if I could tell you something, I'd tell you:

"Take me somewhere I don't know,
Watch all the people down below,
We've got all the time in the world."
Please, turn it all again...
luni, 14 martie 2011
I am human, I'm not perfect.

eu nu vreau sa fiu perfecta! nu o sa fiu, nu sunt. pt ca daca as fi cu siguranta nu ar fi ceva natural. ar fi ceva fake cum vedeti la fetele din filme. am vrea toti sa fim ca ele numai ca eu as vrea sa le vad cum arata fara machiaj. cine naiba ar prefera sa vada o fata care e superba, fara niciun defect, dar acea fata defapt seara cand se duce sisi da jos tot machiaju' ala sa arate ca drq si pe deasupra si mai rau de la tot fondu' de ten folosit sau mai stiu eu ce cacat.
ok, am nervi si poate o sa mii cam vars aici...

poate MAI RAU!
--mereu cand cineva [deobicei e aceeasi persoana da mrg.] ma face sa simt asta, ma uit la anumite poze. am anumite chestii in minte. ma ajuta mult. unele exprima ceea ce simt, unele imi dau putere iar altele nu fac decat sa inrautateasca situatia.
cititi si voi mesajele. sntem cu totii plini de complexe dar cred ca atunci cand invatam sa le acceptam e grozav. si de aceea si pun toate pozele astea. nu sunt singura care simte asta...

si in cele din urma...
doamne oameni buni adica pe bune nam crezut ca exista atatia romani care au talent. faza e ca show ala imi cam creeaza dependenta...:)) dar lasand asta la o parte eu nu am fost am...marcata de aia care au facut gesturi d'alea de curaj de tieera si frica sa te uiti sau de cei care au facut cine stie ce show [desi mau impresionat]. Eu am ales pur si sp din multimea de oameni si de talente...muzica. Au fost 2 baieti care miau placut atat de mult [desi nu aratau prea bine] si trebuie sa pun si aici.
Cel care a cantat melodia "cat de frumoasa esti" ma impresionat enorm adica pe bune cum naiba sa ai o voce asa frumoasa:x si sa mai canti si o asemenea melodie. ncii nu ma satur sa o ascult...
Cel de-al doilea a cantat melodia mea preferata de la Kings of Leon- Use Somebody. Am fost putin cam socata cand am auzit ce melodie canta si mia placut ff mult felul cum ii sclipeau ochii atunci cand el canta:x Si bineinteles, mam gandit instatt, ca de fiecare data cand aud de Kings of Leon, la Alexxa. Nu stiu de ce exista trupe sau cantareti care imi amintesc de anumite persoane si trupa asta ma face sa ma gandesc la Alexxa:)) stiu ca odata mia zis ca e trupa ei preferata desi nush daca mai e valabil... Oricum genial:x
Cel care a cantat melodia "cat de frumoasa esti" ma impresionat enorm adica pe bune cum naiba sa ai o voce asa frumoasa:x si sa mai canti si o asemenea melodie. ncii nu ma satur sa o ascult...
Cel de-al doilea a cantat melodia mea preferata de la Kings of Leon- Use Somebody. Am fost putin cam socata cand am auzit ce melodie canta si mia placut ff mult felul cum ii sclipeau ochii atunci cand el canta:x Si bineinteles, mam gandit instatt, ca de fiecare data cand aud de Kings of Leon, la Alexxa. Nu stiu de ce exista trupe sau cantareti care imi amintesc de anumite persoane si trupa asta ma face sa ma gandesc la Alexxa:)) stiu ca odata mia zis ca e trupa ei preferata desi nush daca mai e valabil... Oricum genial:x
duminică, 13 martie 2011
It's been a while since everyday and everything has felt this right.
You know, I was a crazy bitch. I did what I wanted to, when I felt like it. And now it seemes that again, all I wanna do is.. LOSE CONTROL!.:))
But I think that you don’t really give a shit. So go with it, go with it:P ‘Cause I'm fuckin’ crazy rock n’ roll.\m/!
I remember so crealy that time when you said: “Hey, what’s your name?”. It's like it took one look and now I'm obviously not the same.
Yeah, you said “Hey” and since that day, you stole my heart and you’re the one to blame. ['r u?].

And that’s why I smile.! 'Cause it’s been so much since everyday and everything has felt this right! And now, it's like you always turn it all around. And suddenly you’re all I need. The reason why I smile.(:
That nigh I blacked out, I think. What did you put in my drink? I remember making out and then....?...oh!
Like I woke up with a new tattoo: your name was on me and my name was on you... and I WILL DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.!
.Cand am ascultat melodia asta mam gandit la momentele cand chiar miar fi exprimat starea de spirit doar ca atunci nu era momentul. Acum, din intamplare am ascultato iar si merge la fix!<3. [ even versurile snt putin modificate ca deobicei, pt a mi se potrivi perfect.:)].<33333
Nu pot sa cred cat de bine imi descrie starea. Este exact lucrul la care mam tot gandit zilele astea. Si adevaru' e ca sper ca melodia asta sami descrie starea mai mult timp de acum incolo:) Ma face sa fiu.. nu stiu. Oarecum indrazneata. Dar nu indrazneata la propriu [asta eram deja:)))] indrazneata in sensul de a infrunta totul cu mai mult curaj, fara sami pese. Si sa zambesc pt mine nu pentru cel care ma facut sa sufar:) because it's been a while... Si faptul ca a trecut muuulta vreme de cand nu mam mai simtit asa de bine si ma bucur enorm baahh!!:)) [credetima.]. mia fost dor...
But I think that you don’t really give a shit. So go with it, go with it:P ‘Cause I'm fuckin’ crazy rock n’ roll.\m/!
I remember so crealy that time when you said: “Hey, what’s your name?”. It's like it took one look and now I'm obviously not the same.
Yeah, you said “Hey” and since that day, you stole my heart and you’re the one to blame. ['r u?].

And that’s why I smile.! 'Cause it’s been so much since everyday and everything has felt this right! And now, it's like you always turn it all around. And suddenly you’re all I need. The reason why I smile.(:
That nigh I blacked out, I think. What did you put in my drink? I remember making out and then....?...oh!
Like I woke up with a new tattoo: your name was on me and my name was on you... and I WILL DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.!
.Cand am ascultat melodia asta mam gandit la momentele cand chiar miar fi exprimat starea de spirit doar ca atunci nu era momentul. Acum, din intamplare am ascultato iar si merge la fix!<3. [ even versurile snt putin modificate ca deobicei, pt a mi se potrivi perfect.:)].<33333
Nu pot sa cred cat de bine imi descrie starea. Este exact lucrul la care mam tot gandit zilele astea. Si adevaru' e ca sper ca melodia asta sami descrie starea mai mult timp de acum incolo:) Ma face sa fiu.. nu stiu. Oarecum indrazneata. Dar nu indrazneata la propriu [asta eram deja:)))] indrazneata in sensul de a infrunta totul cu mai mult curaj, fara sami pese. Si sa zambesc pt mine nu pentru cel care ma facut sa sufar:) because it's been a while... Si faptul ca a trecut muuulta vreme de cand nu mam mai simtit asa de bine si ma bucur enorm baahh!!:)) [credetima.]. mia fost dor...
sâmbătă, 12 martie 2011
12e.+ laughing out loud
am ajuns si eu sa cred in toata faza asta cu astenia de primavara:)) cand a venit primavara e ca si cum mam trezit la viata. Doar ca acum e altfel. Acum stiu cand sami pese, cand sa nu. Stiu in cine pot avea incredere. E ciudat cate se pot schimba in jumatate de an, intrun anotimp, intro luna, intro zi.
Deci joi si vineri a fost superb afara si pt ca saptamana asta nici nu prea am facut scoala si mai mult neam plimbat pe strazi, am pornit in "excursie" prin moghioros si inapoi si dupa iar prin moghioros. Din plimbarea de vineri a iesit o super..chestie nu stiu:)). Nici nu stiu daca am mai ras vreodata in viata mea atat de mult cat am ras vineri. Asta vineri dupaamiza pt ca dupa ziua a continuat.
Si ca tot veni vorba de vineri seara, Happy B-day Edy!! [pt cei care inca nu stiti, e varamiu]. Dap si ieri sia serbat ziua pt ca practic astazi e defapt ziua lui:)). As usual, cea mai tare zi de nastere!!<3:)) Doamne si ce nebunie a fost.. nam mai vazut in viata mea asa ceva si atatea persoane diferite amestecate la un loc:)) Cu tot cu basketbalistii, rudele, colegii, prietenii lui... si totusi sa reusim toti sa ne intelegem super-bine!:)) Si am ajuns la concluzia ca nu sti niciodata cand cunosti persoane noi cu care te poti intelege super-bine sau cum iti poti schimba radical parerea despre o persoana in jumatate de zi.:D... PREA TARE! nu o sa ma lungesc pt ca probabil si snt sigura ca de acum o sa am parte de o primavara superba dar nu mai stau sa va povestesc voua tot ce am facut si in mom de fata ma gandesc doar ce o fi facut Dany azi la olimpiada pt ca eu am avut azi o febra musculara si am fost super-obosita deci nam fost in stare sa fac mai nimic, si cum so fi trezit Mita azi la 8:-?
Deci da! In sfarsit....
Viata e frumoasa...<3<3
am ajuns si eu sa cred in toata faza asta cu astenia de primavara:)) cand a venit primavara e ca si cum mam trezit la viata. Doar ca acum e altfel. Acum stiu cand sami pese, cand sa nu. Stiu in cine pot avea incredere. E ciudat cate se pot schimba in jumatate de an, intrun anotimp, intro luna, intro zi.
Deci joi si vineri a fost superb afara si pt ca saptamana asta nici nu prea am facut scoala si mai mult neam plimbat pe strazi, am pornit in "excursie" prin moghioros si inapoi si dupa iar prin moghioros. Din plimbarea de vineri a iesit o super..chestie nu stiu:)). Nici nu stiu daca am mai ras vreodata in viata mea atat de mult cat am ras vineri. Asta vineri dupaamiza pt ca dupa ziua a continuat.
Si ca tot veni vorba de vineri seara, Happy B-day Edy!! [pt cei care inca nu stiti, e varamiu]. Dap si ieri sia serbat ziua pt ca practic astazi e defapt ziua lui:)). As usual, cea mai tare zi de nastere!!<3:)) Doamne si ce nebunie a fost.. nam mai vazut in viata mea asa ceva si atatea persoane diferite amestecate la un loc:)) Cu tot cu basketbalistii, rudele, colegii, prietenii lui... si totusi sa reusim toti sa ne intelegem super-bine!:)) Si am ajuns la concluzia ca nu sti niciodata cand cunosti persoane noi cu care te poti intelege super-bine sau cum iti poti schimba radical parerea despre o persoana in jumatate de zi.:D... PREA TARE! nu o sa ma lungesc pt ca probabil si snt sigura ca de acum o sa am parte de o primavara superba dar nu mai stau sa va povestesc voua tot ce am facut si in mom de fata ma gandesc doar ce o fi facut Dany azi la olimpiada pt ca eu am avut azi o febra musculara si am fost super-obosita deci nam fost in stare sa fac mai nimic, si cum so fi trezit Mita azi la 8:-?
Deci da! In sfarsit....

Viata e frumoasa...<3<3
joi, 10 martie 2011
Just tonight. [ I'll lie and you'll believe.]
Melodia asta mia cantat incontinuu in cap. Pentru mine mai ales propozitia "I'll lie and you'll believe" face toata melodia, nu ca nar fi super-geniala. Doamne deci melodia asta am ascultato imediat a2a zi dupa ce mintit o persoana f. importanta pt mn referitor la sentimentele mele. Miam promis ca nu va mai sti cat de mult tin si ce sentimente am asa ca am negat. Dupa, mam gandit daca nu cumva am gresit chiar daca parca snt mai relaxata. Azi imi venea sa plang cand am ascultato pt ca miam amintit momentul acela, cand am ascultato pt prima si singura oara. Acum o ascult incontinuu. E rock, deci nu stiu daca o sa placa tuturor, nici macar nu stiu daca o sa o ascultati cu totii. Dar pt mine e atat de importanta... Toate versurile snt superbe dar mie azi mia cantat incontinuu in cap refrenul.
Iar versul "just tonigh I will see, it's all because of me." semnifica pt mine un lucru la care mam gandit enorm. What if... it'a all because of me?
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away, when the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right and if I, I am through, it's all because of you...
Just tonight...
Do you understand who I am? Do you wanna know?
Can you really see through me now I am 'bout to go.
But just tonight I won't leave. I'll lie and you'll believe. And just tonight I will see that it's all because of me.
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away, when the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right and if I, I am through, it's all because of you.
Just tonight...
si finalul e ff.. ciudat. [ si nu ma refer ciudat la propriu, stiu ff bine la ce ma refer prin asta (:].
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
e ciudat pt ca spun iar: What if, in the end, it's all because of me?.
[poza asta inseamna enorm pt mine. nu o sa explic de ce.]
Iar versul "just tonigh I will see, it's all because of me." semnifica pt mine un lucru la care mam gandit enorm. What if... it'a all because of me?
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away, when the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right and if I, I am through, it's all because of you...
Just tonight...
Do you understand who I am? Do you wanna know?
Can you really see through me now I am 'bout to go.
But just tonight I won't leave. I'll lie and you'll believe. And just tonight I will see that it's all because of me.
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away, when the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right and if I, I am through, it's all because of you.
Just tonight...
si finalul e ff.. ciudat. [ si nu ma refer ciudat la propriu, stiu ff bine la ce ma refer prin asta (:].
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
e ciudat pt ca spun iar: What if, in the end, it's all because of me?.
[poza asta inseamna enorm pt mine. nu o sa explic de ce.]
miercuri, 9 martie 2011

marți, 8 martie 2011
But you're wrong.
La postul despre Avril [ in mom de fata numai ea e in atentia mea] vam spus ca imi place caracterul ei. Si mai aveam doar postarea asta pe ziua de azi pe care Alexxa a ruinato:))
ok, glumesc dar cu ocazia asta io dedic ei.
ideea e ca atunci cand mam referit la caracterul ei am avut un interviu in cap. si dupa ceea ce am citit azi in popcorn, in care a fost un interviu cu ea [si am si mega ultra super poster!!!!!].
vam spus ca ea e diferita. a spus ca avea un stil skater la inceput si se vede schimbarea.
la un mom dat insa, a fost intrebata:
"Ce sfat i-ai da unei fete care nu e multumita de cum arata?"
am ramas putin masca la intrebarea asta si eram ff curioasa sa aflu pt ca tocmai Avril era cea care raspundea.
cred ca multora o sa va dea de gandit. alexxa stie de ce i lam dedicat si snt curioasa ce ar scrie ea despre citatul asta [e un apropo:))]. dar ma uit la voi toti cei din jur care sunteti complexati. si majoritatea sntem complexati si pt ca sntem ff slabanogi. nu o consider o calitate. o urasc. si Avril e slaba. eu as prefera sa fiu mai plinuta si sincer urasc faptul ca snt atat de slaba. chiar daca poate arat bine pt varsta mea si o sa ma bucur mai tarziu, acum nu ma bucur. si mereu cand spun ca imi place de mine... aia e o porcarie! no sa vedeti voi ziua cand imi va place cand arat. imi place doar uneori fata mea si in mare parte datorita tunsorii. corpul numi place. acum snt multe de zis dar no sa va zic complexele mele:)) [acum miam amintit de Dany care are ff mare incredere in el si il apreciez enorm pt asta pe langa multe altele.]. pt ca asta iti distruge si increderea de sine.
" eu ma gandeam azi stii zicea la un moment dat ceva cu frumusetea interioara. cat de adevarat a fst chestia aia. si cu fetele skinny din reviste. pentru tine poate nu ins mult, pt ca si tu esti slaba, dar la mine e altfel."
uneori as prefera sa fiu ca tine... adica comparanduma cu fetele din reviste imi place si mie cum arat. dar in rest, as prefera si eu poate sa nu fiu asa slaba. cand o sa cresc sigur o sami priasca asta. dar acum e ciudat...uneori ma simt prea firava si inocenta pe langa voi [la corp ma refer] si nu uita ca tocmai din cauza asta am fost singura care a ajuns pubertate nush cm drq sai zic [si snt constienta ca o gramada de persoane vor citi asta da mrg:)))].
cand spui asta ma faci aproape sami placa cum arat. dar adevarul e ca snt extrem de complexata desi poate nu ar fi normal. si culmea, eu snt complexata ca snt slaba:)) daca ai mai pomenit una ca asta. poate ca e bine sau ok. nu stiu. habar nam. dar snt curioasa ce ai scrie tu despre asta:)
oricum, Avril ma ajutat ff mult prin ceea ce a zis. "De exemplu, intr-o camera plina de oameni o sa iasa in evidenta aceia care sunt cool si a caror personalitate e extrovertita, nu aceia care sunt super frumosi." ma gandesc mereu ca vreau sa fiu ca ala si ala. ca e ca o competitie. dar defapt nu te face decat sa te stresezi degeaba. si sa nuti placa. chestia asta mia ramas efectiv in minte ca si versu' ala din firework sau ca ceea ce nea zis profa de romana "sa te faci frumos pt tine nu pt altii" e a nu stiu cata oara cand imi vine azi in minte chestia asta.
[ceea ce am scris e cva ff... nu stiu. ceva despre mine si parerea mea legata de asta, de ceea ce am scris, care poate doar intrun jurnal intim as fi scris. dar nu prea mai conteza.].
ok, glumesc dar cu ocazia asta io dedic ei.
ideea e ca atunci cand mam referit la caracterul ei am avut un interviu in cap. si dupa ceea ce am citit azi in popcorn, in care a fost un interviu cu ea [si am si mega ultra super poster!!!!!].
vam spus ca ea e diferita. a spus ca avea un stil skater la inceput si se vede schimbarea.
la un mom dat insa, a fost intrebata:
"Ce sfat i-ai da unei fete care nu e multumita de cum arata?"
am ramas putin masca la intrebarea asta si eram ff curioasa sa aflu pt ca tocmai Avril era cea care raspundea.
"Cred ca multa lume este exagerat de interesata de aspectul exterior si cu siguranta multa lume ar trebui sa isi aminteasca faptul ca e mult mai importanta frumusetea interioara. Le-as sfatui pe fete sa tina minte asta. In reviste, toate fetele sunt extrem de slabe si arata perfect, dar in viata adevarata nu arata chiar asa. totul se rezuma la personalitatea ta si la ce fel de om esti. Acolo cred ca e frumusetea. De exemplu, intr-o camera plina de oameni o sa iasa in evidenta aceia care sunt cool si a caror personalitate e extrovertita, nu aceia care sunt super frumosi."
cred ca multora o sa va dea de gandit. alexxa stie de ce i lam dedicat si snt curioasa ce ar scrie ea despre citatul asta [e un apropo:))]. dar ma uit la voi toti cei din jur care sunteti complexati. si majoritatea sntem complexati si pt ca sntem ff slabanogi. nu o consider o calitate. o urasc. si Avril e slaba. eu as prefera sa fiu mai plinuta si sincer urasc faptul ca snt atat de slaba. chiar daca poate arat bine pt varsta mea si o sa ma bucur mai tarziu, acum nu ma bucur. si mereu cand spun ca imi place de mine... aia e o porcarie! no sa vedeti voi ziua cand imi va place cand arat. imi place doar uneori fata mea si in mare parte datorita tunsorii. corpul numi place. acum snt multe de zis dar no sa va zic complexele mele:)) [acum miam amintit de Dany care are ff mare incredere in el si il apreciez enorm pt asta pe langa multe altele.]. pt ca asta iti distruge si increderea de sine.
" eu ma gandeam azi stii zicea la un moment dat ceva cu frumusetea interioara. cat de adevarat a fst chestia aia. si cu fetele skinny din reviste. pentru tine poate nu ins mult, pt ca si tu esti slaba, dar la mine e altfel."
uneori as prefera sa fiu ca tine... adica comparanduma cu fetele din reviste imi place si mie cum arat. dar in rest, as prefera si eu poate sa nu fiu asa slaba. cand o sa cresc sigur o sami priasca asta. dar acum e ciudat...uneori ma simt prea firava si inocenta pe langa voi [la corp ma refer] si nu uita ca tocmai din cauza asta am fost singura care a ajuns pubertate nush cm drq sai zic [si snt constienta ca o gramada de persoane vor citi asta da mrg:)))].
cand spui asta ma faci aproape sami placa cum arat. dar adevarul e ca snt extrem de complexata desi poate nu ar fi normal. si culmea, eu snt complexata ca snt slaba:)) daca ai mai pomenit una ca asta. poate ca e bine sau ok. nu stiu. habar nam. dar snt curioasa ce ai scrie tu despre asta:)
oricum, Avril ma ajutat ff mult prin ceea ce a zis. "De exemplu, intr-o camera plina de oameni o sa iasa in evidenta aceia care sunt cool si a caror personalitate e extrovertita, nu aceia care sunt super frumosi." ma gandesc mereu ca vreau sa fiu ca ala si ala. ca e ca o competitie. dar defapt nu te face decat sa te stresezi degeaba. si sa nuti placa. chestia asta mia ramas efectiv in minte ca si versu' ala din firework sau ca ceea ce nea zis profa de romana "sa te faci frumos pt tine nu pt altii" e a nu stiu cata oara cand imi vine azi in minte chestia asta.
[ceea ce am scris e cva ff... nu stiu. ceva despre mine si parerea mea legata de asta, de ceea ce am scris, care poate doar intrun jurnal intim as fi scris. dar nu prea mai conteza.].
Wish you were here.Damn!
I can be tough.
I can be strong .
But with you, it's not like that at all .
There's a girl, who gives a shit behind this wall you've just walked through it.
And it hurts.
'Cause I remember all those crazy things you said, you left them running through my head. You're always there, you're everywhere but right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did... didn't think about it, just went with it. You're always there, you're everywhere.
But... right now I wish you were here.
Damn! Damn! Damn!
What I'd do to have you here.
I wish you were here. ..
Damn! Damn! Damn!
What I'd do to have you near
I love the way you are. It's who I am, don't have to try hard. Because anyway you always see the real me. We always say... say like it is.And the truth is that... I really miss...
Damn! Damn! Damn!
What I'd do to have you here.
I wish you were here. ..
Damn! Damn! Damn!
What I'd do to have you near
No, I don't wanna let go. I just wanna let you to know that I never wanna let go. I wanna remember this. Because it was real.
The prove are all those crazy things you said, you left them running through my head. You're always there, you're everywhere but right now I wish you were here.
And all those crazy things we did... didn't think about it, just went with it. You're always there, you're everywhere.
But... right now I wish you were here.
ps: poza mia dato alexxa akm cateva saptamani si vreau sa va spun ca am ramas socata. si mersi pt ca miai aratat asa o poza. eu niciodata nu am plans atunci cand vad o poza. dar asta a durut ff rau.
ps2: versurile snt Avril Lavigne- Wish you were here. a reusit sa exprime in melodia asta ceea ce eu nu pot spune de luni intregi. nici nu cred ca mai are rost sa zic ca am plans pe ea sau ca ma lasat fara cuvinte. am modificat putin versurile ca deobicei ca sa iasa ceea ce vreau eu dar lyricsul e... genial e putin spus. asa ca de acum am sa spun despre melodiile lui Avril exact ceea ce spun despre ea si exact calitatile pe care eu le iubesc cel mai mult la cineva. e diferita, e speciala.
I can be strong .
But with you, it's not like that at all .
There's a girl, who gives a shit behind this wall you've just walked through it.
And it hurts.
'Cause I remember all those crazy things you said, you left them running through my head. You're always there, you're everywhere but right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did... didn't think about it, just went with it. You're always there, you're everywhere.
But... right now I wish you were here.
Damn! Damn! Damn!
What I'd do to have you here.
I wish you were here. ..
Damn! Damn! Damn!
What I'd do to have you near
I wish you were here...
Damn! Damn! Damn!
What I'd do to have you here.
I wish you were here. ..
Damn! Damn! Damn!
What I'd do to have you near
I wish you were here...
No, I don't wanna let go. I just wanna let you to know that I never wanna let go. I wanna remember this. Because it was real.
The prove are all those crazy things you said, you left them running through my head. You're always there, you're everywhere but right now I wish you were here.
And all those crazy things we did... didn't think about it, just went with it. You're always there, you're everywhere.
But... right now I wish you were here.
ps: poza mia dato alexxa akm cateva saptamani si vreau sa va spun ca am ramas socata. si mersi pt ca miai aratat asa o poza. eu niciodata nu am plans atunci cand vad o poza. dar asta a durut ff rau.
ps2: versurile snt Avril Lavigne- Wish you were here. a reusit sa exprime in melodia asta ceea ce eu nu pot spune de luni intregi. nici nu cred ca mai are rost sa zic ca am plans pe ea sau ca ma lasat fara cuvinte. am modificat putin versurile ca deobicei ca sa iasa ceea ce vreau eu dar lyricsul e... genial e putin spus. asa ca de acum am sa spun despre melodiile lui Avril exact ceea ce spun despre ea si exact calitatile pe care eu le iubesc cel mai mult la cineva. e diferita, e speciala.
My lovee.

Deci pt cei care inca nu stiti o mai zic iar pt ca nu ma satur niciodata: Avril e cantareata mea preferata!!!!
Ok eu poate iubesc Green Day si Bruno Mars [formatia si cantaretul meu preferat] dar la Avril am stiu. Ca o legatura cu muzica ei pt ca.. am crescut cu ea. Adica nu stiu..
Prima melodie a ei pe care am ascultato printra 3a a fost "Girlfriend". You know, melodia aia pe care mai demult o tot dadea pe Utv.
Si mia placut la nebunie dar lol niciodata nu reuseam sa citesc pe deplin numele cantaretei ceea ce ma pune pe ganduri si ma face sa ma intreb daca nu cumva eram si mai mica...:d Si cand in sfarsit am descoperit am avut o perioada plina de Avril in clasele 4-5 mai ales intra 5a cand cu toata "lumea noua" pe care o descopereai si drama noua si totul fiind mai greu plus ca incepeai sa te maturizezi iam urmat stilul si la imbracaminte si melodiile ei ma ajutau enorm. numai din lyricsul melodiilor ei am invatat eu engleza:))
Dupa, intra 6a am tot ascultat si dupa oarecum am facut o pauza [am dato pe TH:))]. Se pare insa ca sa intors la mine vara asta cand tot ascultam "When your gone" si alte melodii de genu' asta care mau ajutat enorm. Si logic ca de la inceput de a7a cand parca sa intamplat cva cu mine, incepand sa [re]ascult melodiile ei vechi pe care le ascultam printra 4a am simtit ceva cu totul diferit. Mai puternic, special si in primul rand atunci cand eram mica ma ajutat sa traiesc intro lume a mea, sa incerc sami gasesc propriul stil, sa vreau sa fiu independenta. Acum cand stau si ma gandesc, nu pot sami imaginez cum ar fi sa nu o ascult. Muzica pt mine e totul. Si o iubesc pe Avril. A fost si e ca un model pt mine mai ales ca mai nou am tot inceput sa urmaresc interviuri si sa vad ce caracter are. e ca si cum ea isi exprima frustrarile in versuri. snt versuri cu, cuvinte ca "fuck", "bitch" si restu' pe care imi vine si mie sa le folosesc. pt ca te ajuta sa maschezi. transpui ceea ce te doare in cuvintele astea pe care le folosesti cu cea mai mare furie. si te simti mai bine chiar daca eu tot ma simt ca o lebada dinaia lasata singura in mijlocul unui lac [mia venit in minte o imagine din Black Swan].
-Apreciez mult faptul ca live, melodiile ei suna la fel de bine ca atunci cand le asculti pe youtube. Si la New Years Rockin' Eve a facut o super-atmosfera de rev. cu What the hell.!

Acum, noul ei album "Goodbye Lullaby" nu mai e atat de rock, nu mai e acea revolta si dupa cum a spus si ea este mai calm si mai "adanc". Melodia "What the hell" care a fost si e geniala!! a fost dupa parerea mea inceputul sfarsitului. o melodie pop-rock de deschidere si atat. pt ca albumul si melodiile de pe el snt ff lente, pline de emotie si doar in 2 am auzit acea chitara electrica care parca nici nu mai suna asa puternic. dar imi place si sunetul acesta. e ca un "mic geniu rock". voi poate nu intelegeti dar eu o consider geniala. si inca ramane un model pt mine si ca stil de imbracaminte. fiecaruia ii place cineva. eu o am pe Avril ca exemplu.
so akm puteti asculta si voi cei carora muzica lui Avril vi se parea zgomotoasa pt ca nu mai e deloc.
and I love her baahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p:P
Just don't look!
Ok so azi iar am avut dea-aface [cum naiba se scrie?] cu o oaresicare tampenie. frt nu mai suport. ce naiba azi am vazut mai multe cupluri ca de V-day:))
dar, cum spune si titlul acum eu vreau sa vorbesc despre ceea ce simt, ce aud, ce vad. atunci cand esti in situatia lor nu e asa important. e ca si cum uiti cine e langa tine si tie indiferent daca ploua sau ninge te doare fix in pix. sau nici nu te mai gandesti ca tre sai bagi in seama pe altii. desi nu e corect, asa e. stiu cum e sa fi si de partea cealalta. sa te uiti la 2 persoane care snt impreuna. la ceea ce fac, cum se comporta. asa ca de ambele parti stiu. mrg.
faza e ca azi erau 2 in spatele meu in ala...cum naiba so numi:)) in masina.:-? mrg. si il auzeai pe el cu vocea lui ragusita si latos cum era, cum o pe diverse parti :)) nu stiu adica ...da. pe gat si restu. adica pf nu stiu se aude. si ea era cva gen "nu-mi mai face asa" si el o pupa iar si incepeau sa rada aman2 in soapta. frt imi place la nebunie momentu' adica e si funny si romantic. dar exact in momentu ala am simtit ca o senzatie ff ciudata pe care nam mai simtito decat odata pana acum. si nu e deloc o senzatie buna. si mam simtit oarecum in plus sau prost.nici nu stiu de ce scriu despre asta. frt oarecum adica ma durut in piept si am inchis ochii si as fi vrut mai mult ca orice ca in momentul ala sa o iau pe gaby si sa cobor deacolo. bineinteles ca atunci cand am coborat zambeam ca si cum nu mar fi deranjat dar mam simtit oribil. dupa, ei au plecat tinanduse de mana si el o ducea undeva nu stiu sai faca o surpriza habar nam. plus ca erau ori a8a ori de varsta noastra si am avut asa o imagine ciudata cand mam uitat in spate si am vazuto pe ea cu paru lung mai mica de inaltime tinanduse de mana cu el inalt si latos. oricum ma durut. ma doare si acum dar atunci am avut o senzatie ca si cum ar fi venit un uragan si eu vroiam sa tip. sa plec, sa ies, sa nu fi vazut. si acum vreau sa tip. dar nu cred ca mas simti mai bine, sau...
si vroiam sa ajung la faptul ca nu stiu de ce eu nu suport sa vad 2 persoane facand ceva facut eu si ceva ce eu nu pot face in acel moment, desi as vrea. nu stiu cum e la voi dar la mine doare rau. ff rau. si nu suport e ca si cum vreau eu sa fiu in locul lor. gen :"de ce ei pot avea parte de asemenea momente si eu nu?" E O PORCARIE!
dar, cum spune si titlul acum eu vreau sa vorbesc despre ceea ce simt, ce aud, ce vad. atunci cand esti in situatia lor nu e asa important. e ca si cum uiti cine e langa tine si tie indiferent daca ploua sau ninge te doare fix in pix. sau nici nu te mai gandesti ca tre sai bagi in seama pe altii. desi nu e corect, asa e. stiu cum e sa fi si de partea cealalta. sa te uiti la 2 persoane care snt impreuna. la ceea ce fac, cum se comporta. asa ca de ambele parti stiu. mrg.
faza e ca azi erau 2 in spatele meu in ala...cum naiba so numi:)) in masina.:-? mrg. si il auzeai pe el cu vocea lui ragusita si latos cum era, cum o pe diverse parti :)) nu stiu adica ...da. pe gat si restu. adica pf nu stiu se aude. si ea era cva gen "nu-mi mai face asa" si el o pupa iar si incepeau sa rada aman2 in soapta. frt imi place la nebunie momentu' adica e si funny si romantic. dar exact in momentu ala am simtit ca o senzatie ff ciudata pe care nam mai simtito decat odata pana acum. si nu e deloc o senzatie buna. si mam simtit oarecum in plus sau prost.nici nu stiu de ce scriu despre asta. frt oarecum adica ma durut in piept si am inchis ochii si as fi vrut mai mult ca orice ca in momentul ala sa o iau pe gaby si sa cobor deacolo. bineinteles ca atunci cand am coborat zambeam ca si cum nu mar fi deranjat dar mam simtit oribil. dupa, ei au plecat tinanduse de mana si el o ducea undeva nu stiu sai faca o surpriza habar nam. plus ca erau ori a8a ori de varsta noastra si am avut asa o imagine ciudata cand mam uitat in spate si am vazuto pe ea cu paru lung mai mica de inaltime tinanduse de mana cu el inalt si latos. oricum ma durut. ma doare si acum dar atunci am avut o senzatie ca si cum ar fi venit un uragan si eu vroiam sa tip. sa plec, sa ies, sa nu fi vazut. si acum vreau sa tip. dar nu cred ca mas simti mai bine, sau...
si vroiam sa ajung la faptul ca nu stiu de ce eu nu suport sa vad 2 persoane facand ceva facut eu si ceva ce eu nu pot face in acel moment, desi as vrea. nu stiu cum e la voi dar la mine doare rau. ff rau. si nu suport e ca si cum vreau eu sa fiu in locul lor. gen :"de ce ei pot avea parte de asemenea momente si eu nu?" E O PORCARIE!

joi, 3 martie 2011
Work of art.
Everyday is like a blank canvas.
You know... you can paint it anyway you want it.
You can draw black clouds, you can make the sun shine, color in a rainbow, or use black and white.
Open up your eyes and your imagination.
Come on! Let’s write a song, a little poetry. Take a photograph, let’s make some memories.
You can make it anything that you want it to be. If you follow your heart, life can be... a work of art.
Every night’s like looking at a dark screen. You know you’re never too young or too old to dream.
You can make your fantasies into a reality, 'cause you’re creating your own masterpiece.
Close your eyes and dream it, seeing is believing.
Trying to simplify into Philosophy.
Well, than turn the star into a Galaxy.
Make a little noise into a symphony.
You’re creating a masterpiece.
Show me!
Come on let’s write a song, a little poetry.
Take a photograph, let’s make some memories.
You can make it anything that you want it to be.
If you follow your heart,
Life is a work of art.
[no comment] geniall.
You know... you can paint it anyway you want it.
You can draw black clouds, you can make the sun shine, color in a rainbow, or use black and white.
Open up your eyes and your imagination.
Come on! Let’s write a song, a little poetry. Take a photograph, let’s make some memories.
You can make it anything that you want it to be. If you follow your heart, life can be... a work of art.
Every night’s like looking at a dark screen. You know you’re never too young or too old to dream.
You can make your fantasies into a reality, 'cause you’re creating your own masterpiece.
Close your eyes and dream it, seeing is believing.
Trying to simplify into Philosophy.
Well, than turn the star into a Galaxy.
Make a little noise into a symphony.
You’re creating a masterpiece.
Show me!
Come on let’s write a song, a little poetry.
Take a photograph, let’s make some memories.
You can make it anything that you want it to be.
If you follow your heart,
Life is a work of art.
[no comment] geniall.
Daca tu chiar iti doresti ceva cu adevarat, lupti pentru...

si ma gandesc ca eu personal nu am a....cum se spune numi vine cuvantu'.... ah nu stiu cum se spune dar ideea e ca atunci cand imi propun cva niciodata nu ma pot tine de acel lucru. si e oribil. chiar daca incerc sa acord mai multa atentie, snt genul care mai degraba prefer mnu stiu... sa ma distrez, sa fiu comoda, sa numi pese de cei din jur. in principiu sa nu ma stresez cand nu am de ce. si timpu' liber la mine inseamna leneveala desi am observat ca nu prea imi mai place sa o ...frecventez:D
si ma gandesc ca eu la scoala mereu snt superficiala. si gresesc din prostii cum mi sa intamplat si ultima oara cand mam ofticat mai mult decat ati putea crede dar nu am aratat asta tot pt ca am lasat totul pe seama distractiei. siasa acasa ma stresez, macar cu prietenii sa fie o atmosfera funny.
acum se presupune ca ar trebui sa invat. si iata altceva. problema mea de concentrare. god nu pot sa cred niciodata nu ma pot concentra la un lucru daca am in minte o postare de blog, sau o chestie sau o melodie pt ca de multe ori ma trezesc fredonand in mijlocul ecuatiei la mate:))
si snt zile cand nam ce face. punct.
siii pam pam. ajungem la ideea principala care ma duce direct catre vorba aia nesuferita a mea "daca nu faci ceva din prima a doua oara sar putea sa nu mai ai sansa." si iarasi fuck catt de adevarat e! in timp ce unii actioneaza spontan [ok si eu o fac chiar prea mult:)))] mereu, eu am o serioasa problema si uneori renunt in ultima clipa. logic mereu totul iese cum vreau pt ca nici nas lasa sa se intample altfel dar de multe ori pierd oportunitatea, momentul. si poate ma oftic dar prefer so las la o parte si ma consolez cu faptul ca eu am gandit, ca am incredere in ceea ce gandesc si ca tot eu am hotarat. si poate nam fost pregatita. deci nam mare problema cu regretele. dar cand stai si te gandesti ca acum...iti pare rau.

mi sa intamplat de multe ori si mam tot gandit sau nu la asta.
dar stiu sigur ca fraza asta o sa ma bantuie asa cum multe miau ramas in minte.
"Daca tu chiar iti doresti ceva cu adevarat, lupti pentru..."
Sum 41.
I don't want this moment to ever end. Where everything's nothing without you.
I'll wait here forever just to... to see you smile.
'Cause it's true... I am nothing without you!
Through it all, I know that I made my mistakes. I stumbled and fall, but I mean these words.
I want you to know with everything that I won't let this go. All these words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know. 'Cause I'll bleed my heart out to show that... I won't let go!
Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt. Pieces of memories fall to the ground.
I know what I didn't have so I won't let this go.
'Cause it's true... I am NOTHING without you!
And I hope that all the streets where I walked alone, with nowhere to go, have come to an end.
I want you to know with everything that I won't let this go. All these words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know. 'Cause I'll bleed my heart out to show that... I won't let go!
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies; when you don't know what you're looking to find.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies; when you just never know what you will find (what you will find?).
I don't want this moment to ever end. Where everything's nothing without you.
I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.
I want you to know with everything that I won't let this go! These words, are my heart. My soul.
I'll hold on to this moment you know... 'cause I'll bleed my heart out to show that I won't let go.
With everything I won't let this go. And yes! These words are all I have. My heart, my soul.
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'll bleed my heart out to show
that I won't let go!
I'll wait here forever just to... to see you smile.
'Cause it's true... I am nothing without you!
Through it all, I know that I made my mistakes. I stumbled and fall, but I mean these words.
I want you to know with everything that I won't let this go. All these words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know. 'Cause I'll bleed my heart out to show that... I won't let go!
Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt. Pieces of memories fall to the ground.
I know what I didn't have so I won't let this go.
'Cause it's true... I am NOTHING without you!
And I hope that all the streets where I walked alone, with nowhere to go, have come to an end.
I want you to know with everything that I won't let this go. All these words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know. 'Cause I'll bleed my heart out to show that... I won't let go!
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies; when you don't know what you're looking to find.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies; when you just never know what you will find (what you will find?).
I don't want this moment to ever end. Where everything's nothing without you.
I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.
I want you to know with everything that I won't let this go! These words, are my heart. My soul.
I'll hold on to this moment you know... 'cause I'll bleed my heart out to show that I won't let go.
With everything I won't let this go. And yes! These words are all I have. My heart, my soul.
I'll hold on to this moment you know, 'cause I'll bleed my heart out to show
that I won't let go!
Sum 41.
music only makes me stronger
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"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
-Oscar Wilde