But I think that you don’t really give a shit. So go with it, go with it:P ‘Cause I'm fuckin’ crazy rock n’ roll.\m/!
I remember so crealy that time when you said: “Hey, what’s your name?”. It's like it took one look and now I'm obviously not the same.
Yeah, you said “Hey” and since that day, you stole my heart and you’re the one to blame. ['r u?].

And that’s why I smile.! 'Cause it’s been so much since everyday and everything has felt this right! And now, it's like you always turn it all around. And suddenly you’re all I need. The reason why I smile.(:
That nigh I blacked out, I think. What did you put in my drink? I remember making out and then....?...oh!
Like I woke up with a new tattoo: your name was on me and my name was on you... and I WILL DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.!
.Cand am ascultat melodia asta mam gandit la momentele cand chiar miar fi exprimat starea de spirit doar ca atunci nu era momentul. Acum, din intamplare am ascultato iar si merge la fix!<3. [ even versurile snt putin modificate ca deobicei, pt a mi se potrivi perfect.:)].<33333
Nu pot sa cred cat de bine imi descrie starea. Este exact lucrul la care mam tot gandit zilele astea. Si adevaru' e ca sper ca melodia asta sami descrie starea mai mult timp de acum incolo:) Ma face sa fiu.. nu stiu. Oarecum indrazneata. Dar nu indrazneata la propriu [asta eram deja:)))] indrazneata in sensul de a infrunta totul cu mai mult curaj, fara sami pese. Si sa zambesc pt mine nu pentru cel care ma facut sa sufar:) because it's been a while... Si faptul ca a trecut muuulta vreme de cand nu mam mai simtit asa de bine si ma bucur enorm baahh!!:)) [credetima.]. mia fost dor...
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