Open my eyes... it was only just a dream.
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
I was at the top and it was like I’m at the basement. Number one spot and now he found him a replacement. I swear now, I can't take it knowing somebody's got him...
And now you ain't around, I can't think. Shoulda put it down. Cuz I can still feel it in the air. See his pretty face, run my fingers through his hair.
-My lover, my life. My shorty. he left me, I'm tied. Cuz I knew that it just ain't right.
I was thinkin' about him, thinkin' about me. I was just thinkin' about us, what we gonna be?...
Open my eyes... it was only just a dream.
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
When I am ridin' I swear, I see his face at every turn. Tryin' to get my usher over, I can let it burn. And I just hope he notice his the only one I yearn for. And maybe for long time it'll be.
Oh! I miss much. When will I learn? It's hard to say "miss u".

Hey, he was way to easy to love. But wait, I guess that love wasn't enough if he didn't knew how I feel.
I'm goin through it every time that I'm alone. And now i'm missin, wishin' he'd pick up the phone. I don't even have the courage to call him. But she made a decision that she wanted to move on [maybe].. Cuz' I was wrong.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything.
I said, if you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.
And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything.
andy: "sincer chiar ma gandesc cu toate sentimentele cam am toate chestiile. dar...cum sti atunci cand iubesti?"
{iam spus asta lu' sis' and..stiu ca multi isi pun intrebarea asta si ma gandesc ca eu la varsta asta nu stiu ce inseamna iubirea si poate o sa ma mai gandesc multi ani asa..dar akm ma gandesc "daca faptul ca ma gandesc ca eu nu stiu ce inseamna iubirea ma impiedica sami dau seama daca iubesc" si altkv.. ok, e ciudat dar voi nu stiti ce simt eu si probabil nici nu veti sti. si ma mai gandesc si ca "te iubesc" nu vreau sa ajunga un cuvant greu pt mine de spus [adica incep akm si peste cativa ani ma trezesc cami vine greu pt ca eu nu cred sau cacat (limbajj:)))]. chiar daca e un cuvant mare...}

And I still think about him, think about me. Think about us, what we gonna be?... Open my eyes... it's was only just a dream. [or.]
So I travel back, down that road. Who he come back? No one knows. I kind of realize... it was only just a dream. Or...
-una dintre putinele mel. de acest gen de care nu ma pot desparti. nu stiu dc am inceput sa mai ascult si rap si dance putin doar ca anumite melodii. melodiile ca aceasta merita ascultata si chiar daca eu am modificat aproape total lyricsul [pt ca ma facut sa simt cva anume...] melodia e superba. adica videoclipul absolut genial, ideea, mesajul, marea, sentimentele. nici nam cuvinte. chiar imi vine sa plang pe ea. si pt ca am zis, am inceput sa ascult melodii de acest gen ma scoate si din anonimat dar tot ma intristeaza. but I JUST FUCKING LOVE IT:X:x merita aplauze sincer:d:DxD
[ps: alexxaaaa in clip apare Bonnye din VD xD. perfect:x:X of....].
ma sis':x ma ce te faceai daca nu gaseam eu melodia:)):X...oricum chiar e tare :x si chiar uimitor ca asculti tu melodii dastea:)
RăspundețiȘtergereeu ascult de mult da nu tre sa
RăspundețiȘtergerestiti voi=))
iaute la ea:))
RăspundețiȘtergeremi s-a parut mine cunoscuta :X
RăspundețiȘtergeresi eu am stiut de multa vreeme melodia si o ascultam ... chiar imi plac versurile...