Melodia asta mia cantat incontinuu in cap. Pentru mine mai ales propozitia "I'll lie and you'll believe" face toata melodia, nu ca nar fi super-geniala. Doamne deci melodia asta am ascultato imediat a2a zi dupa ce mintit o persoana f. importanta pt mn referitor la sentimentele mele. Miam promis ca nu va mai sti cat de mult tin si ce sentimente am asa ca am negat. Dupa, mam gandit daca nu cumva am gresit chiar daca parca snt mai relaxata. Azi imi venea sa plang cand am ascultato pt ca miam amintit momentul acela, cand am ascultato pt prima si singura oara. Acum o ascult incontinuu. E rock, deci nu stiu daca o sa placa tuturor, nici macar nu stiu daca o sa o ascultati cu totii. Dar pt mine e atat de importanta... Toate versurile snt superbe dar mie azi mia cantat incontinuu in cap refrenul.
Iar versul "just tonigh I will see, it's all because of me." semnifica pt mine un lucru la care mam gandit enorm. What if... it'a all because of me?
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away, when the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right and if I, I am through, it's all because of you...
Just tonight...
Do you understand who I am? Do you wanna know?
Can you really see through me now I am 'bout to go.
But just tonight I won't leave. I'll lie and you'll believe. And just tonight I will see that it's all because of me.
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away, when the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right and if I, I am through, it's all because of you.
Just tonight...
si finalul e ff.. ciudat. [ si nu ma refer ciudat la propriu, stiu ff bine la ce ma refer prin asta (:].
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
It's all because of you
Just tonight
e ciudat pt ca spun iar: What if, in the end, it's all because of me?.
[poza asta inseamna enorm pt mine. nu o sa explic de ce.]
frt cat a inceput sa-mi placa melodia asta:x dupa ce am ascultato de nu stiu cate ori cu tine azi:))
RăspundețiȘtergereoricum e superbaaa:x