Praying won't do it and Hating won't do it
Drinking won't do it, Fighting won't knock you out... Of my head.
Hiding won't hide it, Smiling won't hide it [like I ain't tried it] Everyone's tried it now... And failed, somehow...
So when you gonna let me, when you gonna let me- out?
And if you know, how do you get up from an all time low... I'm in pieces and seems like peace is the only thing I'll never know...?How do you get up?
Get up!
‘Cos driving won't do it, Flying won't do it, Denying won't do it, Crying won't drown it out...
What you said.
When I'm standing on the yellow line, waiting at the station or I'm late for school, a vital presentation- If you call me now boy, without reservation,...
I would try to break through!
I can't even find a place to start.
How do I choose between my head and heart?
'Till it ceases I never know,
How do you get up from an all time low...
A low....
Can you hear me?
A low ...
Can't you hear me?
And if you know…
pe langa faptul ca baietii snt superbi si au accent britanic care se simte si in melodie:X:X, iubesc trupa:x se pare ca am ajuns sa fac un intreg remix intre mel sufletiste si cele vesele pt ca le schimb de la o postare la alta:))). but that's how I feel.
recunosc, desi stiu trupa, "All time low" nu am mai ascultato cu toate ca au ajuns pe top 1 in Anglia... ma rog, am citit in POPCORN ca au plans cand au avut succes cu melodia asta si din mom ce toti au avut acelasi raspuns, am vrut sa o ascult.
De ce?
ascultati melodia si sper sincer sa intelegeti pt ca este absolut superba... nu mas fi asteptat.:)
ahh:X melodia imi place asa mult, deci am descoperit si eu mai nou trupa asta:X...ca sa nu mai zic de cei care canta, ala cret si inca unu:)) sunt superbii
RăspundețiȘtergerebai ala mai cheliuta e si actor si am vazut acum cateva sapt un film cu el...
RăspundețiȘtergeresi ala cret se vede ca e mai mic decat restu si pare asa de dragut printre toate figurile alea dure :X