Sometimes I get so weird I even freak myself out, I laugh myself to sleep it's my lullaby.
Sometimes I think so fast just to feel the danger! I wanna scream, it makes me feel alive!
Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breathe?
Somebody rip my heart out and leave me here to bleed.
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life!!
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please!!!
To walk within the lines would make my life so boring. I want to know that I have been to the extreme:)
So knock me off my feet! Come on, now give it to me!
Anything to make me feel alive!
Let down your defences! Use no "common sense!"
If you lucky you will see that this world is a...!
NO WAY! I wanna taste it ! Don't wanna waste it away!!!
Sometimes I get so weird I even freak myself out, I laugh my self to sleep it's my... lullaby...
! Melodia asta efectiv ma inspirat mereu pt blog. Si motto-ul "I'd rather be anything but ordinary, please!". Cand am ascultato prima oara ma emotionat ff tare. Azi, din intamplare, am ascultato iar. Si mam gandit cat de bine ma descrie. Tot! Fiecare vers. E destul de socant sa dai peste o melodie de genu asta... si partea in care spune "if you lucky you will see that this world is a beautiful accident...." toata aceasta parte e...superba. geniala.
[daca vreti sa ascultati melodia, in dreapta paginii de blog sunt niste poze, printre care si una unde scrie pur si simplu "You're weird, I like you." si dati click pe ea.]

Fie ca va va placea sau nu, tot ceea ce scriu eu pe blog cel putin de la o vreme e din cauza acelei melodii. Toate lucrurile pe care le simt, am curajul sa le scriu datorita acelei melodii.
I'd rather be anything but ordinary, please!:)
:D >:D<;))deci da fa ce vreiiii tu:))) da bine ai grija la unele:))
RăspundețiȘtergere:))mereu fac ce vreau:)) ok o sa am grija>:D<