duminică, 4 decembrie 2011

"Learn My Lesson"

The one thing that you know you'll never touch, like the feeling, the real thing. I reach out for that sweet dream. Somehow the darkness wakes me up. I've felt this emptiness before but all the times that I've been broken I still run right back for more.
You'd think that I'd learn my lesson by now, You'd think that I'd somehow figure out that if you strike the match you're bound to feel the flame.
You think that I'd learn the cost of love, paid that price long enough. But still I drive myself right through the pain. Well it turns out, I haven't learned a thing.
Sometimes I think I'm better off to turn out the lights and close up shop. And give up the longing, believing in belonging. Just hold down my head and take the loss.
You'd think that I'd learn my lesson by now
Yeah, well it turns out, I haven't learned a thing .

Daca te regasesti in melodia asta, inseamna ca probabil, ca si mine, te-ai pierdut in propriile fantezii si inchipuiri, mereu tinand strans de un fir de ata. Inseamna ca sti cum e sa suferi din dragoste si daca sti asta, inseamna ca sti si ca in dragoste niciodata nu te dai batut, nici macar atunci cand te doare inima.

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"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

-Oscar Wilde