miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2011

School:(( Just burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"please remember remember december! don't cerender cerender cerender!"

heii today first day of school.
big news baby! mai tare viata ca asta nam pomenit. ok..poate poate deveni si maii..mrg:)) dar hei am cei mai tari prieteni ever. si mai important? cea mai buna prietena from the whole fucking world. hear me sis'? love ya:x:x

si o veste bomba! cica de la anu ne baga o luna si nush cat in vacanta de iarna si in loc sa ne futem(scz de limbaj nervi) la piscina pana in iulie avem sc! wtf?!!
mrg SA ARDAA!! (doamne eu bag plesteme doamne fereste:d)

la engleza si bio (hormonii ba finally:)))- ca tot mam tampit k engleza din mai multe motive- a fost ff tare. in special la english unde nea pus sa facem o lista de dorinte si la le postam pe cacatu' e-twinning :-& yeah wright vezi sa nu! normal ca nu puteam incepe sc fara sa lipsesc si eu la prima ora si colac peste pupaza revenim la dorinte (oaaaa mariaa a scris 18!!!=))).

am scris exact ceea ce miam dorit doar ca in engleza si cm a zis si profa ca fac americanii o sa incerc sal pun pe dulap sau cekl mai probabil undeva unde sdal pot vedea eu si numai eu dar totusi sa fie la vedere pt ca nu vrem sa ne descopere toti dorintele huh?

asa ca ady! by the way:))nu citi astainainte sa le scri p'ale tale ca you never know;):))

mrg vi le scriu si voua. snt mai generalizate si avertisment! habar nam daca leam scris corect efectiv dormeam pe mn dar asta nu inseamna ca akm snt oarekm treaza soo:d nu le corectez. corecte incorecte veti intelege voi gasca mea de analfabeti ceam vrut sa zic:))

ps: nu sunt in ordine (tot lenea normal:d)

ps2: deabea astept sa fac 14 ani o sami fac si eu o lista daia copiata smechereala din 16wishes (pe care lol nu lam vazt dar sis a zis ac e tare:d so i will see it) ...maybe they'll come true.
but! no rush!


New Year's Resolutions! or by me!- Make a wish!

1. I will go again in Turckish (rusine Dinu' Patriciu snt sigura ca nam scris bine:d)
2.I will learn how to play guitar.
3. I will have a very cool party for my 14-th birthday.
4. I will get good grades at school.
5.I will take (only) ten at the romanian exams.
6. I will go in camp in England.
7. I will change my hairstyle and I will like it.
8. I will change my style (outfits & co.) and I will wear only what I like and fits me.
9. I will spend less money.
10.I will make my parents proude.
11.I will meet my distant friends and I will keep very in touch with them, more!
12.I won't care about what other people say about me.
13.I will try to do my best at math.
14.I will try to be less supperficial at school (ma refer la teme si restu').
15.I will get in the second school semester, ten at every class except math.
16.I will try to understand my mother, more.
17.I will try to be more curageous and met other people.
18.I will be myself.

sunt dorinte mai mult sau mai putin normale dar importante pt mn.:d nu tre sa intelegeti voi de ce mi leam dorit dar daca vreti, nu trageti concluzii ci intrebatima:d. ....as fi pus si faza k New York-u' da' asta e mai generalizata si poate pt mai tarziu desi it is my biggest dream:x
aaa app!! poate revin la vara k noutatii!! sper sa se indeplineasca cateva:d
deci mergem cu optimism inainte!



you never know...your dreams may come true:d

(la mine a functionat si am mare incredere).


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"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

-Oscar Wilde